Friday, June 21, 2019

Day 7

We left the hotel in Cooperstown about 9. We headed to Hoboken, New Jersey! It sure was a great week of  baseball- proud of the boys for going 7-1. We ate lunch at Chili’s in New Jersey, then headed toward the city! We arrived in Hoboken and headed straight to Carlo’s Bakery! We were is total shock- we got pictures with two of the sisters- Mary and Lisa! Caroline’s enjoyed choc covered strawberries, a new shirt and an apron! We then checked into our hotel...then turned around quickly and headed to the Yankee’s game! We enjoyed batting practice, dinner at the ballgame and a Yankee’s win! 5-1 over the Astros! The subway back to New Jersey was long and we were so tired, but it was a fun game!

Riding the subway to the game!

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