Saturday, June 23, 2018

Day 2 of Baseball at State Tourn.

The Dragons came to work today. We went 3-0 in our games at State. We were thankful the rain stayed away, but in our 10:00 game, it was close. We started the playing The Elite Sports. We won 5-6 in a close one. Taylor was up to bat and had a big and timely hit to right field.  He scored Tyler to pick up an RBI. He went 2-3.  After the game, we all went to lunch at Jason's Deli. Gram and Papa came, along with the Shorts and McGee's. We headed back to the ballpark for our 2:00 start. We played the Thunder. This was Taylor's game to be lead off hitter. At his 1st at bat, we got walked and while running down, he threw his hands up to pump up his team. We loved seeing the leadership ad excitement! We were tied in a close game 3-3 in the bottom of the 4th, when Tyler had a great hit for us to go ahead! Taylor walked and grounded out to 1st. After the big win, we went back to Gram's and I took a nap. It was back to the ballpark for the 8:00 game vs Tiger Goolsby. We played hard and Taylor had two great hits. He stole 3 bases, too. I love watching him run the bases. We got the win 7-3. It was a fun game to watch! Here are some pictures from the day!

~Go Dragons~

Starting Saturday morning with a great warm-up

The skies are dark, but the rain stayed away!

 Taylor up to bat!

Love this one!

Our 1st win on Saturday!

Back to the fields after lunch-Luke rode back with us!

Playing hard in the 2:00 game vs Thunder-the sun was out and it was hot.

The 8:00 game vs Tigers-Goolsby

Saying bye to JT Grande-he is moving away after state.

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