Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Day 3 of Games-Happy 4th of July

Our day started early. We had the morning off, so we headed to SMU's campus. Trey went through George W. Bush's library. The kids and I walked around the campus, but it was July 4th, so everything was locked up. It was fun seeing this nice campus. We headed back to the hotel, I grabbed Chick-fil-a and we ate in the lobby. Taylor changed for his 1:00 baseball game vs Texas Edge. He rode over to the field with Coach JP. The Edge were a 9 year old team and we played really against them. We were up 9-0 early in the game. Taylor hit 2 singles and got walked. We won 9-3.

Trey really enjoyed the Presidential Library at SMU's campus

 Doake Walker, an SMU graduate and football star

Memphis Tigers vs Texas Edge-we won 9-3.

Stealing 1st base and headed to 2nd. 

Headed hone and scoring for his team!

Great win, Tigers 10U

The family in front of Globe Park in Arlington, TX-Go Rangers

Diamond DeShield's brother plays for the Rangers

The 10U made it on the jumbo tron

Fireworks after the game! GO USA

Happy 4th of July America

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