Sunday, June 4, 2017

Taylor's Homerun at Gameday

Taylor's team played in a tournament at Gameday called Sizzlin' Summer. We played Friday, then again at 11:00 on Saturday. We lost them both but we also had taken Memorial Wknd off and the team was rusty. On Sunday, The Tigers got the early game at 8:00. We played the MS Royals. They were winning most of the game, but then Taylor hit a HOMERUN and it got the team fired up. We started making our Gritty Green comeback. The rain started to fall but we kept making our comeback. Then the tournament was canceled before our game ended. We left the game 13-8 winning! Here is Taylor's homerun picture! He was so proud because he pulled it to right field!

Homerun #6 of the season

A freeze frame from his stats!

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