Wednesday, February 17, 2021

SnowCation 2021

 Today was such a fun day! We waited for Trey to get home from a few hours in the office, then he drove us to GBC! They had a super fun hill that we enjoyed sledding down! We ran to Kroger for a few ‘staycation’ groceries! More Gluten Free Oreos and some hamburger buns for dinner tonight! Caroline had spent the night out on Tuesday night with Claire! Once we got her back home, I had everyone put on their tabogons and heavy coats for a Family Snow picture in front of the house!! They turned out so good. That evening as dark rolled in, Griffin and I took a walk in the snow- there were BIG snowflakes falling and we caught some on our tongues! We finished a fun day with hamburgers and a movie!

Snuggles after a great day playing in the snow

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