Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Big Week at The Bradys

This week has been busy with sports in the Brady house! Monday, Taylor played amazing on the mound vs Houston Middle 7th grade! He had 68 pitches, 19 FPS, and 2 K’s. They ended up losing, but Taylor did great. Gram and Papa came in town to watch, too. Then, we went to Bob Hailey to watch Griffin play in his 7:3o game! Griffin showed up and played great in front of Gram! He got two HR’s! We went to Mexican for dinner to celebrate! Tuesday night was an exciting night too! Caroline played LAKELAND IFC and we won 3-1. Caroline got to take a PK and scored! Each Brady kid has had a big week! Here are some pictures to enjoy from the sports events!

Hits 2 HR vs Giants

Scores on PK vs LAKELAND IFC

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