Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Big Week at The Bradys

This week has been busy with sports in the Brady house! Monday, Taylor played amazing on the mound vs Houston Middle 7th grade! He had 68 pitches, 19 FPS, and 2 K’s. They ended up losing, but Taylor did great. Gram and Papa came in town to watch, too. Then, we went to Bob Hailey to watch Griffin play in his 7:3o game! Griffin showed up and played great in front of Gram! He got two HR’s! We went to Mexican for dinner to celebrate! Tuesday night was an exciting night too! Caroline played LAKELAND IFC and we won 3-1. Caroline got to take a PK and scored! Each Brady kid has had a big week! Here are some pictures to enjoy from the sports events!

Hits 2 HR vs Giants

Scores on PK vs LAKELAND IFC

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Caroline’s 1st Soccer Road Trip

Caroline’s soccer team is playing in the Arkansas Revolution Tourney this wknd. We left at 6:20 Saturday morning and arrived at the fields at 8:20.  Her game started at 9 vs  the home team. We tied 2-2. Then we all hung around the complex til our next game at noon. It sprinkled a little during the game vs Lobos 09. We tied 1-1. We headed out to lunch to chick-Fil- with Geo, Ava, Sarah H and Allie! After a long visit, we went to Target with Allie. Back to the hotel to rest! We play again in the morning! We stayed the night at the Fairfield Inn!

12:00 game vs Lobos

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Sunday

Hosanna Choir led worship this morning! Griffin sang his heart out! After church, we took a family picture in the church lobby! It turned out great. Then, we headed home to meet Grammie for lunch! She brought a ham, broccoli salad and potatoe salad! We enjoyed Caroline’s cake, too. After lunch, we played a round of wiffle ball-Granmie watched! It was a fun afternoon!

Love these 3!

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Easter 2019

We had a fun day dying Easter eggs and getting ready for Sunday! Caroline came home from the church egg hunt and made the cutest cake. Here are some pictures
 of dying eggs, making a cake and our hone egg hunt!

Sunday School Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday, we enjoyed a beautiful day at the church egg hunt. We combined two Ss classes and had a great turn out of kids! This was the 1st year Taylor did not attend. He was at his baseball car wash. Griffin and Caroline had a super fun time. Here they are after the fun hunt.

Caroline (4th grade) and Griffin (1st grade)