Thursday, March 15, 2018

Day 8- Full Pool, Diving Board and Skimmer Parts

Today, we got to turn off the water finally. We had to have the water running for 24 hours straight, but the pool is now full. It look so pretty-I love the deep blue color. We are so happy with the liner color. The female came this week and placed the skimmer parts and cut the liner to install them. The best part was when she installed the diving board. This week, the electrician began to install the wires and the pool pump. We are getting so close to being done. We only lack the dying of our coping around the pool. We are super excited. The kids enjoyed hanging out around the pool today.

Delivering the diving board

Taylor is removing the blooms from our tree

Caroline and Griffin enjoying the sun and reading by the pool
(the water was cold)

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