Friday, January 26, 2018

Day 4- Layed the Pool Floor

Here are some pictures of the pool guys laying down the Portland Sand for the bottom of the pool. The sand is like cement without the water. Basically the sand is pasted all over the bottom of the pool. It was fun watching this progress. Very interesting.

The  shallow end with the sand

Working with the sand on the deep end

Pouring more Portland Sand  into the deep end

Taylor  watching outside on Friday afternoon before his game

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Day 3- Pouring My Seat & Laying Some Plumbing Pipes

We hurried home on Thursday afternoon to see the exciting strides that the pool guys were making on the pool. Trey was home when we arrived because they were laying some piping and he had some questions. We had also been given the advice to take pictures of all the pipes in the ground, so he was ready to take pictures. Here are some pictures of my seat in the deep end, plus some piping!

Working on my seat!

The cement accidentally seeped through their wall frame and it all flowed into the deep end-opps. They had to clean it all up by shovel.

They picked up the cement and placed it into the excavator's scoop and then hauled it back to the seat for trial number #2.

Scooping out the cement in deep end.

Dad checking out the pipes.

The kids have loved looking out Griffin's window!

Daddy and Griffin taking a look around!

The cement ran into the deep end-they had to fix this mishap.

Working late

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Day 2-Pouring the Cement

Trey went to work this day. The pool guys were working all day. I dropped Caroline at basketball practice, then the boys and I came home to see the progress. Today, they had steel walls up and they poured cement all day. They poured the steps into the pool, too. They worked til 9:45 that night. We had to put Griffin in our bed to fall asleep because the excavator was running from the pool out to the street for the cement. It was really fun to watch, but by 9:00, Trey and I were ready for some quiet.  Here are some pictures from the day.

Huge pile of dirt!

Pouring cement for the steps

Boys enjoying watching--C at practice

Smoothing out cement on the stairs

Cement truck and the excavator working! We have a short person on our crew and he would drive back and forth for the cement!

Daddy arrives home! We have all windows opened and have enjoyed watching them work

It's getting dark-the excavator has bright lights!

Letting the concrete dry over night....a picture on Thursday morning before school