Friday, April 7, 2017

Happy 9th B'day, Caroline

Caroline's birthday was on a Friday this year! We decided to have her party on her actual day! She had the idea many months ago-make your own cakes and a sleepover! So, the planning began with invitations, decorations and more! I made all the fondant for the individual cakes! I enjoyed myself so much getting all the cakes prepared! So, to start her day, she woke to her favorite muffins with choc. chips. Daddy took the kids to school and I began putting up banners and straightening the house. I had taken the day off for her birthday to enjoy lunch with my girl at school and pick up balloons. Mom brought home Caroline after school, which helped me a ton. Griffin stayed with Grammie and spent the night. Once Caroline was home from school, she and I went to pick up the pizza and her precious cake! The girls arrived at 5:00. We ate pizza and then the girls decorated their cakes. Afterwards, they played in the playroom and I cleaned up. We had cake and ice cream and sang Happy Birthday! Then, the girls painted pillowcases and each signed Caroline's as a memento!  Harper and Laney had to go home at 9:00 because they had plans early the next day! The remaining girls, played school and dress-up with Caroline's clothes till about 10. I had them clean up. Trey and Taylor got home from enjoying wings and watching baseball. I had the girls lay their sleeping bags down in the playroom and started quiet voices. I slept upstairs just in case someone might need me. At 11:00, I went to sleep. The girls did great through the night. we woke at 6:30. I started pancakes for breakfast1 Birthday girl's choice. The girls went home at 9:00. They took home pillowcases, cakes and a goody bag with ponytail holders, gummies, lollipops and more. It was a super FUN party. Caroline's favorite part was decorating her cake! Happy 9th B'day, Caroline! We love you!

Happy 9th Birthday!
(before school)

Her new Bitty Baby-she named Grace

She got a new baby, blanet and outfit, make-up case and a journal

Ready to decorate pillowcases! Fun activity for a Sleepover

Caroline's precious cake

Ready to open presents! She got a Beanie Boo, an Orbeez, a horse and Target and Claire's gift cards

Ready, Set, Decorate! Making some beautiful cakes!

Singing Happy Birthday To Caroline

Watched a movie and ate popcorn

Nightie Night: Ella, Abby, MA and Caroline

Breakfast of Champions! Pancakes and OJ

It was such a FUN party!

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