Saturday, January 14, 2017

A Day of Basketball

Today started off early. We all got up and enjoyed some eggs and the older two put on their uniforms. Everyone was in the driveway early shooting and getting warmed up. Taylor's game started at 9:30 at Grace. Trey, Taylor and Griffin went to his game and Grammie met them there. Then, Caroline and I left for our basketball game at 10:00 in the High School gym. My team played the other BCS team, but we were the home team. I led the devotional and Caroline read from the Bible. It was finally tip-off time and we got off to a great start. Caroline had the 1st 10 points and it was 10-0 at half-time! The final score was 24-1. I was so proud of Caroline, she finished with 18 points! Grammie left Taylor's game at half-time and made it to the start of Caroline's game. Then after Taylor's game was over, Daddy, Taylor, and Griffin came to cheer us on. I was excited to hear that Taylor's team won 35-18, and that he scored 15 points. After my game, we stayed and watched some the the 2nd grade boy's game. Then we all went to McAllisters for lunch with Grammie. Afterwards, we headed home for a few hours. I worked in the kitchen and the kids played basketball in the driveway. Trey ran to the grocery. We left at 3:00 for Taylor's Martin Luther King tournament game. Taylor's team had also played Thursday and Friday nights in Raleigh. Today's game was at St. John's church near the Pink Palace. Taylor played so well and the opponent was scrappy. It was a PDS team, but we pulled out the win-29-20. Taylor had 11 points! After the game, we went to Central BBQ for dinner. Caroline loves this place! We arrived home at 7:00 and took showers, then it was bedtime. It was a FULL day, but a blessed day!

This kid had 26 points in two games TODAY!

This precious girl had 18 points in her game TODAY!

Great Win Saints ~ we defeated the other BCS team

Paige-2 pts, Caroline-18pts, Madelyn-2 pts, Meredith-2 pts

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