Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Griffin's 5th Birthday

Griffin came home the day before his birthday sick from school. He had the stomach bug, so he could not attend school on his birthday. (it was hard for me). He ended up opening presents the morning of his birthday and feeling lots better. It actually was a fun day because I got to play with Griffin all day. He and I played with his new Paw Patrol toys and kicked the soccer ball in the hallway! We had lots of time together. We did cancel dinner with grandparents that night because we weren't sure how he would feel. We ended up going out to eat at the last minute for his birthday. We went to Pyros and grabbed ice cream at Yogurt Mountain.     

Happy 5th B'day G-Man

Playing with Rocky once home from the doctor (we went to just confirm it wasn't strep)

Birthday dinner as a family at Pyros

Enjoying ice cream on his b'day!


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