Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween 2015

We enjoyed a great Halloween this year. We started the morning off with Taylor's last regular season football game in the rain. It was a super fun time. We played on the Varsity BCS football field. Taylor had a good game and got many tackles and a fumble recovery! We lost, but we also learned we made it into the playoffs. After football, we had a playdate with Luke and Molly. We hosted the girls and the boys went to The McGee's. We all met back at our house about 4:30 for Sante Fe Soup and pumpkin carving. We topped off the evening with Trick-or-Treating around the neighborhood-it was our first time in our new neighborhood. It was sooo fun passing out candy,too. We made it over to the McGee's old neighborhood to trick-or-treat at the end of the night.
Eating dinner with friends

Dressed Up for Halloween

Our 1st Trick-or-Treaters in the new house

Oreo dressed as a Fairy Dog


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