Saturday, May 3, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday, Griffin

Griffin's birthday happened to be on a Saturday, which is always busy with sports games. We started off his b'day with mickey mouse pancakes. We went to Caroline's soccer game at Woodland Pres. They had a very fun playground, so most of the game Griffin enjoyed swinging! We picked up b'day lunch at McD and headed to Cameron Brown for Taylor's baseball game at noon. After his game, I took the younger two back home to play. We got the house ready for Griffin's birthday party. Taylor had a double header,so they got home just before the party. His cousins came in town to watch him play and then they all came for Griffin's party! It was a beautiful day, so we played outside in the driveway. We enjoyed pizza and cake and ice cream. Griffin loved opening his gifts and his reactions were so cute. He had a wonderful birthday...he has been talking about his "Happy B'day Mickey" party for months! happy 3rd Birthday, Little Buddy!

Birthday Breakfast-Mickey pancakes

The B'day boy by his Mickey banner

Opening 1 gift before the soccer game

Before the party that afternoon

Enjoying a Mickey Mouse pop made from oreos

Griffin and Miller

Blowing our his candles

A new soccer ball

Caroline's sweet kisses while opening gifts


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