Saturday, April 19, 2014

Caroline's 6th Birthday

We enjoyed showering Caroline with love the morning of her birthday. Her special breakfast request was pancakes with choc chips. Daddy was SO sweet and made them the night before in the #6 shape! She got to open her 1 remaining present before school. She had opened friends and family gifts after her party on Saturday. She got a puppy purse she had been wanting! Here are some cute pictures of us eating lunch with her at school on her special day! And, also a great end to her day at Incrediable Pizza for dinner.

Opening a dress with matching doll dress

Her personal American Girl Doll, she named Kenzie

Happy B'day- enjoying her Special Birthday Breakfast

A new puppy purse

Brownie Treats for friends at lunch

Lunch from Subway with Mommy and Daddy

Finished the day with her pick! Dinner and Games at Incrediable Pizza

 Having fun on her favorite ride!


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