Sunday, March 21, 2021

Championship Sunday

 Taylor started our day with his game at 9:30. Griffin and I rode together and Trey took Taylor early. Taylor played 1st and had a super scoop on a bad throw from Airie! We won! Then, Trey and I went to lunch while Griffin, Taylor and Luke watched the Bombers. Griffin’s game stated at 1:30 vs Big League. They beat them 7-1 and played really great! After that win, Griffin enjoyed some lunch and visiting with friends- everyone played at this tournament (Cole and Knox’s teams). I ran to the other complex and got to see Taylor take his 1st at bat appearance in the semi-finals vs Gtown Rays. He got walked and advanced on stolen bases to 3rd, but no one brought him in. I went back to Griffin’s field for his championship game vs EBC Brigrance. Trey and Taylor finished in time to watch about 4 innings of G’s game! We pulled ahead by many runs, but they clawed their way back...we are so proud of the boys! We won 10-7. Here are some pictures of our champion!

Resting before the championship game- we had an hour break

Griffin pitched in the semi-finals vs BL

Taylor made it to 3rd base vs Rays in semi-finals

Taylor scores vs Velo early Sunday morning 

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Saturday All Day

 We started today at softball practice from 10-12. Trey picked us up and had sandwiches in the cooler. We headed to Gameday for Griffin’s 2:00 game! He started in left field bc Brett was absent. Griffin went 2-2 today with 2 RBIs. We beat Big League Wildcats 9-1. Papa and Gram came too and surprised us. Then, we all went to Taylor’s 4:00 game. They lost but Taylor got a great line drive hit to the center field. Following the games, we enjoyed dinner at Pyros.

~Griffin slide home on a past ball~

Friday, March 19, 2021

Snowden Grove

 Tonight both boys played at 8:00 at Snowden Grove- it was exciting because they made their fields turf! Griffin was the starting pitcher and did awesome! He struck out his 1st two batters and gave up no runs. For his first at bat, he had a hard line drive and scored one for an RBI. He pitched the 2nd inning and struck one out, then caught a hard line drive of the bat and went to 1st base to get the runner out! He went 3 up, 3 down quickly in that inning. Caden came in to finish inning 3 and 4. Griffin’s team started TWO new fun things: walk-up songs and dragon stickers for the player’s helmets! Griffin earned two stickers in the 1st game- only kid with two.

Following Griffin’s win, we drove over to Taylor’s game. He popped out to the catcher and had a hard line drive to the left field and it was caught. He played great and played the whole game at 1st base!

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Spring Break 2021

 We were so excited to get away for a few days! We finished our baseball wknd on Sunday about 2:00, then enjoyed lunch at the Mexican restaurant with Gram and Papa-they came to Mphs for an Estate Sale. We hit the road following lunch and headed to Birmingham for our Spring Break Get-Away! Taylor had left for the beach Sunday morning early with Grayson! Here are some pictures of our 1st day in B’ham! We shopped a bit at The Sunmitt and bought Caroline’s softball gear at the local Dicks....then we met up with Summer at Samford! She gave us a wonderful tour of her campus! After the tour, we went back to the hotel to shower and rest. We got back out for dinner at Char7 with Summer! Following dinner, we went to Mountain Brook Creamery! We sat in our cars and visited for a long time. Then back to our hotel to sleep.

The next day was Tuesday and our biggest plans were to visit Troy. On the way, we decided to visit Auburn because Trey had never been there. We stopped at Toomer’s corner for a famous lemonade. We had a late lunch at McD’s, then went back roads to Troy! We arrived about 4:00 and walked the campus! The highlight of trip was the baseball game at 6:30 vs Samford! It was a great game that went back and forth- we ended up losing 6-4. Here are some pictures from our events!

Trojan baseball- Griffin was the Jr Player of the Game

Dinner with Summer at Char7

Taylor at the beach with friends!

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Spring Baseball 2021

 Today was Taylor’s Opening season and G’s 3rd tournament! But, it was our 1st day for both boys to play baseball! They look great in their uniforms! Taylor plays at USA stadium and Griffin is at Gameday! They both play at 9am- it’s chilly too.

14U Tigers

Pitched 1 inning, 2 strikeouts and bare handed the bunt and threw him out at 1st base! Went to RF for rest of game

Won 14-3

Thursday, March 4, 2021

BCS Baseball and Softball

 Tonight, Taylor had his 1st baseball game vs Bartlett Middle School at Gameday and Caroline had her 1st scrimmage vs Lakeland at school. Taylor had a super hit and started at 1st base, he played there the entire game. When his game was over, Trey and the boys were able to catch the last little bit of Caroline’s scrimmage. It was a close game all night. Caroline got a hit and we won 12-11. She came in to pitch and did great. She struck out 2 batters and had 2 other batters at drop third strikes. We picked up subway to end the fun night! Here are some pictures of our 1st of many school nights at the ballpark!