Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas 2020

 Merry Christmas! We have so much to be thankful for this Christmas- health, life and happiness— we serve a loving Savior even in the midst of a pandemic!

Santa was so good this year!

Taylor got new shoes, ping pong set/net and a baseball bat

Caroline got new shoes, riding boots, helmet and pants, plus some clothes!

Griffin got a pitching mound, remote control boat, basketball cones and new shoes!

Here are some pictures from Christmas Day

Christmas Eve

 Tonight, we went to the GBC Candlelight service at 5:00. We put all the food in the oven and had it cook while we were gone to church! It was a special service because Griffingot to enjoy communion with us! After church, Grammie met us here and we ate at 6:30! Then, we opened our traditional pjs- the kids absolutely loved them- fuzzy pjs with matching t-shirts ( T- The Grinch, C- The Elf, G- The Bumble from Rudolph). Grammie headed home about 8:00. We enjoyed ice cream and watched tv til late in our pjs! 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Making Christmas Cookies

 Today we began making our Christmas cookies with yummy icing and sprinkles! We always make our dough ahead of time, so it can chill in the fridge! Taylor even decorated two cookies! Here are the kids having fun!



Sunday, December 20, 2020

Griffin’s Baptism

 Today was so special because Griffin got baptized! We had many people come to support him: Grammie, Papa and Gram, U. Andrew, Aunt Jane and even his 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Hale! After church, we enjoyed Booyas and cake! Here are some pictures! 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Kitchen Update

 This week, Charlie began putting in our kitchen cabinets! We have had the boxes painted for over a month. Finally, we are adding doors and drawers! Take a look! The lights went up last week! New light fixtures over my island and kitchen table!


Thursday, December 3, 2020

Basketball Season 2020

 We are so happy that the kids made their basketball teams and we get to play this great sport, despite Covid. Taylor’s 1st game was back on Nov. 17th at the St Dominic Basketball Tournament! He has hit two 3 pointers and scored a game high 5 pts. He is playing well even though he doesn’t start!

We beat MUS in the tournament, but lost to ECS in the championship game.

Caroline had her 1st game tonight (12/3) vs Hutchison! We played with them for a long time and the score was 9-6. Caroline hit her 1st EVER 3 pointer to tie the game 9-9!!! We were so excited. She had a pretty jump shot earlier. She scored a game high 5 pts to lead her team!