Monday, May 27, 2019

Taylor’s trip to Florida

Taylor was so excited when Luke asked him to tag along on their annual end-of -the-school-year trip to Destin, Florida! They left Thurs morning at 7:15 and their private jet took off at 9:00. Stacy texted that they arrived about 11:00 with a full day at the beach. They returned on Monday at 1:45. Here are some pictures that a Stacy sent me!

Leaving the house for the beach!

Plane seats 8

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Caroline Enjoys Katie’s Bridal Shower

Caroline was so excited to miss the last day of school and head to Jackson for a few days! She went up early to visit with Gram and Isaac. She prepared the cake for Katie’s shower on Saturday! I drove in Saturday morning for the actual shower from 10-12. Here are some awesome
pictures from the shower!

Friday, May 24, 2019

Father & Son Get-Away

Trey surprised Griffin with a trip to St. Louis! I enjoyed putting together a scavenger hunt for the reveal! I got it all ready while Trey and Griffin went to the GBL championship with Cole. Griffin arrived home about 9:00 to his surprise! They left Friday morning about 9:30 for the trip! They arrived in Sikeston about 1:30 for lunch at Lambert’s! Here are some pictures from the scavenger hunt and surprise trip! Go Cardinals! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Big Games for the Brady Boys

Tonight is going to be so fun! Griffin made the All-Star team. He plays tonight in the All Star game at Cameron Brown! Taylor plays in the BCS Championship game at 6:30 tonight at Gameday. We are excited to watch and cheer for both. It will be a fun filled night of baseball!

This kid caught out 3 in the 1st inning. It was a pop fly!

Griffin got triple on his 2nd at bat!! In the last inning, he played 2nd base. Finally, He got a ground ball, and then touched second base for the game’s final out! It was a fun night! 

Monday, May 20, 2019

Griffin’s Final Game as a Brave!

Griffin’s team made it into the playoffs but faced an undefeated team tonight. They were playing the Cubs and actually winnning! We had great defense, but came up shorts! Here are some great pics of Griffin’s team! It was a super fun season, and baseball is back on Griffin’s list of interests!

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Taylor’s 1st Homerun- Dragons

Today was a pretty day for baseball. Taylor played at 12:40 vs Desoto Cardinals. He hit his 1st Homerun in two seasons as a Dragon. It went over the wall at pepsico field! We won the game 17-2.

This cutie hit a Homerun on the 1st pitch!