Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Backyard and Front Yard Transformation

One of the 1st swims in March with the old fence!

Starting to put up our new fence!

1st Signs of green grass

Our New Fence

Pulling out the old scrubs

Empty flowers beds in the front...can't wait for new landscape!

New flower beds and great fresh mulch!

Friday, May 18, 2018

Griffin's SrK Graduation

Today was a very special day for Griffin. He got up early and put his nice clothes on...he had been asking for a coat and tie for his Graduation Day since last year. Daddy helped him put his tie on. He looked so nice. I started the morning at Sparks placing coats down to save our spots! We got to grab a picture with Mrs. LaBudde, too. Here are some more pictures from this fun event. Griffin, Daddy, Grammie and Gram and Papa went to Zaxby's for lunch after the SrK reception! Grammie brought Griffin back to the house to swim, but before they went to Barnes and Nobles for a Word Find. He had a super day...we are so proud of his hard word this year in SrK. His reading sky-rocked this year and his hand-writing was always impressive to his parents and teachers! Great Job, Griffin!

Mrs. Wakefield and Mrs. Schuler

SrK Friends-the boys!

Srk Friends-the girls!

Ready for Graduation to begin....

Our sweet boy walking in..

Getting onto the stage!

Walking off after the program! Mrs. Wakefield had already left the building and headed to the hospital to have her baby...Mary June came that night at 7:45 pm.

Visiting Griffin's room and looking through his Memory Book!

Loved his book full of great pictures... Mrs. Schuler did a fabulous job!

Luke and Griffin!

Such a wonderful year!