Tuesday, August 16, 2016

1st Day of School 2016-2017

The kids all had a great 1st day of school. We got up early and took our traditional "before school" pictures. We also had our traditional trip to the ice cream store after school. Daddy met us at Yogurt Nation. Here is a picture of the fun!

Ready for 2nd Grade with Mrs. Hasseltine

Ready for JK with Mrs. Tillman

Ready for 4th Grade with Mrs. Keough

Ice Cream Tradition

Happy 1st Day of School

Monday, August 15, 2016

Meet The Teacher

The kids were so excited for Monday morning to come. They couldn't wait to see who their teacher was and see what friends would be in their class! Here are some pictures of the kids with their teachers! It is going to be a great year in 4th, 2nd and JK.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Caroline's BCS Cheer Camp

Caroline decided last minute to cheer this year in 2nd grade! I was tickled she did because she had a super week at cheer camp. Here are some pictures of the fun! 

Caroline watching her coach

Friday, August 5, 2016

Taylor's 1st Cast

Taylor got a cast on his right leg due to Sever's Disease. We have been battling soreness since early summer. The doctor tried us with heel cups in our shoes and pysical therapy, but it didnt help. Here is Taylor getting his cast!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Mommy/Daughter Date

Caroline and I spent the day together today. Griffin was having a playdate with Cole, and Taylor was at Gram's house. Caroline wanted to eat lunch at Chick-fil-a, Feed the Ducks, and Go Skating! Here are some pictures from our time together.