Friday, September 18, 2015

BCS Elementary Night

Friday was Elementary Night at school. The kids all wore Green and Gold and attended their 1st Pep Rally of the 2015 year. Caroline went home with Molly and Luke went home with Taylor. We all met back up at Booya's for dinner before the football game. Daddy had left for Greece that day, so we missed having him with us. Here are some pictures of Taylor's football team being introduced and Caroline's cheer squad. The young cheerleaders got to cheer on the track during the 1st quarter. I enjoyed watching her cheer and have fun! We ended up sitting with The McGee's and stayed til the 4th quarter because it was such a close game. (Mom took Griffin to his soccer game and then brought him to the fooball game).


Saturday, September 12, 2015

Caroline's 1st Soccer Game-Fall 2015

This is Caroline's 1st year to play soccer with Soccer Ole. Its a jump up in skill level and game committment. We have been so pleased with her improvement and her love for the game has increased! We have a wonderful coach, Amy Morrison.  Looking forward to a great season.

This is the start of Caroline's 1st game. She is getting to kick off

  She made many runs with the ball and got super close to the goal-probably her closest to ever almost getting a goal! She has been playing forward and really enjoying it.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Griffin's 1st Soccer Game

Tonight, Trey and I enjoyed watching Griffin play his 1st ever organized sport!! He did a great job and was super aggressive. Grammie enjoyed coming to watch and we grabbed pizza afterwards! Taylor and Caroline were swimming at a friend's house.



Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Taylor's 1st BCS Football Game

Tonight, we had Taylor's 1st full pads football game. They played their 1st game at CBHS on their big field. It was lots of fun seeing our boys on the "real" High School field. They played hard and Taylor got to lead the stretches and be a team captain. He plays both defense and offence. He made many tackles and had his 1st strip of the football on defense. He came fell on the ball and his team won the possession. They scored on the very next play! We lost 25-12. Go Saints.