Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Griffin and Caroline enjoyed a sweet Thanksgiving program at school today!

Enjoying our Thanksgiving meal at Grammie's!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Taylor's 8th Birthday

Taylor was the 1st birthday celebrated in our new house! We have only been in the house 4 days, but couldnt be more happy to celebrate this sweet boy! We enjoyed dinner at Corky's-our bday boy requested ribs!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Caroline's 1st Horse Show

Caroline competed in her 1st horse show at Fisherville Farms on Nov. 1st, 2014.
Our family, Grammie, Gram and Papa were all there to cheer for her!

Caroline and Wrangler

Headed to get on her horse, they called her age group! Daddy giving a high five!

Walking her horse into the arena
Inside the arena competing in her 1st show

Waiting by her horse to see how everybody placed!

Caroline Brady 1st place! Here she is receiving her blue ribbon

Running out of the arena to us with her beaming smile!


Waiting on her next completion- an obstacle course

Dismounting from Wrangler after Caroline's last event, she placed 2nd! We are so proud.

Caroline and Lily- riding partners

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

This year's H'ween was just a little different because we were moving on that same day. We enjoyed trick-or-treating with our friends, The McGee's! Here are the kids in their costumes: Taylor was a baseball player, Caroline-Anna from Frozen and Griffin-Olaf from Frozen. It was a fun night!

My precious ball player, Anna and Olaf

We stopped by the new house after trick-or-treating